Wave energy consists in the capture of energy from ocean waves, which can be used for electricity production, water desalination and other applications. It is renewable and represents the largest global resource of ocean energy, which usage has been increasing more and more in the last years. It is a resource of huge potential and availability, stable over time.
In the past few years, the Danish company Wavepiston (www.wavepiston.dk) relied on Resinex’s experience for the development of its wave energy works, both in Denmark and Spain.
In the last months, 46 floats and 6 buoys have been ordered for a Wavepiston full-scale demonstration project at PLOCAN in Gran Canaria, South of the Port of Las Palmas. Their innovative project, which has received funding from the European Union, ensures flexibility and robustness in a lightweight, non-intrusive and low-cost solution that combines both power production and desalination of water.
The Wavepiston structure will consist of 24 energy collectors (with a total length of 200 m and a width of 8 m) and a turbine generator for conversion to electricity, which is expected to produce 547,000 kWh per year.
The chain of energy collectors will be stretched between 2 anchored buoys (composed of 6 floats each) and supported by many other rounded and square tailor-made floats, specifically designed for this project. Their net buoyancy varies from 40 to 3100 kg and they ensure total safety during the process: the specific shapes, net buoyancies and positions have been studied to resist the mechanical stresses of the system.
Additional floats are planned to be manufactured in the next months for this project, which is going to be concluded in 2022. Wavepiston’s purpose is to test the system and be ready for the first commercial order by 2023.
- Oceanic floats and buoys for an innovative Wavepiston project in Gran Canaria at PLOCAN (Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands), south of the port of Las Palmas which consists of a lightweight but at the same time flexible and robust, non-intrusive and low- cost which operates both for the production of energy and for the desalination of water