Resinex has supplied special floats as part of the EMSO MedIT project, for the enhancement of marine research infrastructures in Sicily, Campania and Puglia.
The cooperation between Resinex and Italian volcan experts is not a new thing. In 2010, as a matter of fact, INGV (National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology) used Resinex technological support to create floats able to reach high depths and to whitstand pressures up to 600 bars.
The high performances of Resinex floats has brought INGV to choose Resinex again. This time, the Resinex contribution has concerned the supply of special floats for the Emso-MedIT project, the ambitious INGV project started in 2013 for the reinforcement of the infrastructures of marine research in Sicily, Campania and Puglia.
Specifically, Emso-MEdIT is an aspiring project, coordinated by INGV and involves other research partners such as CNR (National Research Centre), ISPRA and INFN, whose main aim is to strenghten the marine infrastructures for monitoring seabeds of sites of particular strategic interest.
To achieve this, the geophysics observatory of Gibilmanna (PA), belonging to INGV, has aquired 24 Resinex floats.
Its about special ring floats, having a body in syntactic foam and a cover made of elastomer polyurethane, able to arrive at 6000 metres of water depth. Floats were installed during the summer 2014 off Cefalù coast during the TOMO ETNA campaign.
In July 2015 Resinex has been called again to supply high depth floats for EMSO MedIT Project after the successful results achieved last years.
This time INGV through Meccanotecnica Riesi has requested 88 syntactic foam floats with different sizes to realise two EMSO MedIT Projects: .the first one is a creation of 10 OSB/H “Ocean Bottom Seismometer with Hydrophone” type “B” which is equipped with broadband seismometer, 120 sec – 100 Hz and hydrophone 0,1 sec – 5KHz/DPG 300 sec – 2 Hz. The second one is a creation of 18 OSB/P “Ocean Bottom Seismometer with seismic prospecting which is equipped with a tern of geophones 4.5 Hz and digitizer type Seismolog INGV.
Deep water syntactic foam floats have been manufactured with a special syntactic material that does not absorb water. Moreover, the floats are able to reach 6000 metres depth and to withstand pressures up to 600 bars.
Our quality always guarantees a proper support for important projects.