Resinex produces and installs safe turn-key systems for the access to ports even for the signalling of shallow water or obstacles to navigation. We also produce fenders of every size to ensure the safe mooring in the dock. Resinex’s experience in the ports in all the world is demonstrated by the hundreds of installations carried out over the years. Some recent examples? A
t Cagliari, in Summer 2007, five elastic beacons fitted with lights and solar panels are used to signal the navigable entrance canal to the canal port of Cagliari. Three others were supplied in the Autumn of 2005 in order to delineate the safe passage for vessels which pass through the canal. The Anzio Port Authority has acquired a solid fixed Resinex beacon (green) to be used for the signalling of the port entrance.
In 2007 the signalling (red and green) used to mark the entrance to the port canal of Cervia renewed. Not only was the maintenance of the two support metallic land beacons carried out and also the activation of new FA-250 marine lanterns, but also the installation of a brand new directional sound signal type (ELG 300-02), with an automatic fog detector (FD-300) and a CG 1000 inverter power supply unit. (All Pharos Marine equipment).
Four 2.5 metre diameter light buoys with a 4 metre focal plane were installed in the outer port of Ravenna in November 2007. They were fitted with led lights which require little maintenance. Three new land beacons were positioned by Resinex on the wharf in the port of Portoferraio on the island of Elba where vessels can dock on both sides. They are fitted with fixed coupled vertical led red/green lights with a tampoon battery so as to nullify any power failure from the fixed electricity grid.