For the Suez canal Resinex made 110 elastic beams with a more innovative technology that always guarantees the stability of the signaling point.
It is with the doubling of the Suez Canal, inaugurated last 6th August 2015, that Resinex is reconfirmed as official partner of the Suez Canal Authority for the construction of the navigation signalling. The complex navigational system guarantees the safety of navigation on the new canal, 72 km long and makes more comfortable and efficient the old passage from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, turning it into a real two-lane water highway. In 1980, Resinex supplied 600 elastic beacons for the old Suez Canal and in February 2015, after an international tender, was awarded the contract for the project and the manufacture of 110 elastic beacons used to indicate the route to the ships.
For the above project, Resinex has relied on the most innovative technology, using its patented elastic beacons, considered the most sophisticated and reliable than traditional solutions, since they assure the stability of the signal point. They maintain the proper alignment also in case of impact, of strong currents or tides, thanks to the usage of big subsurface floats. Moreover, these beacons are equipped with adjustable focal plane which allows a homogeneous alignment definitely indispensable for the pilots of vessels which run across the channel. In 80 working days, Resinex delivered 110 elastic beacons (red and green colours), which were assembled in Egypt under the direction of Italian engineers and installed in record time by the vessels of the Suez Canal Authority. The new canal, with of a total cost of 8,4 billion dollars, aims to double the cargo passages (from 50 to 100 per day) to reach in 2023 an amount of 13 billion a year in revenue, becoming a great and fundamental job for the commercial development of Egypt and of Europe.