Thanks to the quality of the materials, the reliability and the variety, Resinex has once again become an increasingly sought-after supplier in the field of aquaculture.
Resinex has been a precursor in the manufacturing of floats for fishing and for aquaculture since the beginning of the 1960s. This field has become little by little a secondary one for Resinex due to a demand more and more linked to a restraint of the investment costs. The field of the sea fish farming has nowadays entered into a maturity stage of its life cycle. Market is leaving the research of reducing the investment costs, requesting a higher and higher quality. The key of success is not only the price, but also the quality of the materials and their reliability in the course of time. For these reasons, Resinex has returned to be a more and more requested supplier by the highest category of the market. The experience gained during the years in leading sectors of the qualitative research of marine products, allows Resinex to be one of the first suppliers of the high range. The variety of products in the Resinex Catalogue allows to offer a wide range of floats going from few kilos to dozens of tons of net buoyancy. Moreover, the request is moving toward floats which give a net buoyancy in depth. For long time, Resinex is a leader in the depth sector as well as in the Oil & Gas and in the Oceanology fields. Signalization systems (nav aids) are also requested for fish farming fields. Light buoys and especially elastic beacons guarantee visibility and safety of the fish farming. The wide range, the renowned ability to adapt to any need and the inclination in looking for quality for its products are key factors in a “less poor” market. Italy, Canada, Spain, Malta, Middle East and Far East are the first end markets of our products in the open sea fish farming.