In 2014, Resinex supplied 40 buoys to be placed on the grommets to allow them to float to carry out the recovery of the bulky sponsons disassembled from the Concordia ship’s frame.
Almost two and a half years have passed from the terrible wreck, which took place on January 13, 2012. In these days, the cruise ship Costa Concordia has returned to fill the front pages of national and European newspapers. In the Following months, after the sad maritime disaster, hundreds of technicians have worked hard to dismantle the ship piece by piece and recover the wreck placed just a few hundreds meters from the Island of Giglio.
In April 2014, to make the recover of the huge sponson (disassembled from the ship structure), in support of Resinex was also asked. Alioto Group, a leader of lifting systems at sea, in agreement with Titan, asked Resinex the supply of 40 buoys to be placed on the grommets, the large cables used to lift the sponson, to allow them to float During the sea operations. Thus Resinex has developed and applied to the grommet, 40 buoys type DF06 in linear polyethylene.