Resinex Float Collars 3000 m depth onboard subsea vehicles Resinex Float Collars 3000 m depth onboard subsea vehicles Editore Resinex2021-10-04T11:52:34+02:00November 8th, 2015|
US Navy acoustic array for the South Atlantic Ocean US Navy acoustic array for the South Atlantic Ocean Editore Resinex2021-08-05T17:05:23+02:00January 13th, 2015|
Twelve “giants” to prevent tsunami Twelve “giants” to prevent tsunami Editore Resinex2022-01-26T14:29:04+01:00December 7th, 2014|
Volcanic research: 6.000 m down Volcanic research: 6.000 m down Editore Resinex2021-09-07T16:36:57+02:00September 27th, 2014|
Titanic floats to move West Chirag piles Titanic floats to move West Chirag piles esdesignweb2021-09-07T11:18:56+02:00June 14th, 2014|
Deep Panuke Emergency Deep Panuke Emergency Editore Resinex2021-09-06T17:49:35+02:00November 24th, 2013|
In partnership with Polarcus for the study of the seabed In partnership with Polarcus for the study of the seabed esdesignweb2021-09-06T17:52:59+02:00June 19th, 2013|
Chafe chain sleeves for Prosafe Congo Chafe chain sleeves for Prosafe Congo esdesignweb2020-06-15T16:12:35+02:00February 22nd, 2011|
Buoy modules for RXT in Brazil Buoy modules for RXT in Brazil esdesignweb2020-06-15T16:16:24+02:00March 9th, 2010|
Nemo, the telescope in the Mediterranean to look at the sky Nemo, the telescope in the Mediterranean to look at the sky esdesignweb2020-06-15T16:18:37+02:00February 24th, 2010|
Resinex made the largest plastic mooring buoy in the world Resinex made the largest plastic mooring buoy in the world esdesignweb2020-06-15T16:54:47+02:00May 30th, 2008|