Resinex was chosen to design an innovative maritime signaling system for the port of Abu Qir, capable of withstanding particular weather conditions.
Resinex has been chosen to design an innovative system of navigation Aids for the port of Abu Qir, situated north of Alexandria, able to withstand particular meteorological marine conditions. In March 2017, these buoys were installed with the supervision of the Resinex staff. These new signals allow to identify and mark the entrance and the whole route of the channel for the very big vessels arriving from the Mediterranean Sea. Resinex supplied eight elastic beacons, equipped with 5NM lanterns and more precisely: six elastic beacons (composed of three pairs of green and red lateral mark elastic beacons), one elastic beacon to signal a danger area (shallows and rocks near an island in a bay) and one safe water elastic beacon deployed near the waiting zones of the passage ships. The choice of using elastic beacons instead of light buoys has to be considered advanced for the Egyptian marine market and it has been immediately met with a great success.
All elastic beacons are composed of a steel part (ultra light, but very strong), which allows to stand the weather conditions of the gulf and of the Alexandria coast which every year put the test of the old signaling system composed of steel buoys.
Then, Resinex has got a central role in the Egyptian marine signaling: this project is the first one to have elastic beacons for a port marine signal which is living a period of a particular development related to the growth of the traffic in the Suez Canal and to the oil & gas extraction in the country.